EVIEWS 9 Release
EViews offers academic researchers, commercial and students access to powerful statistical, forecasting, and modeling tools through an innovative, easy-to-use object-oriented interface.
EViews Interface
- Command capture from the interactive interface
- Dockable command and capture window interface
- Database and workfile object preview
Data Handling
- Enhanced import and linking of data
- A powerful new FRED database interface
- Direct read and write access to data stored on cloud drive services
- Dated data table template support for saving and importing customized settings
- New frequency conversion methods
Graph, Tables and Spools
- New mixed graph types
- Graph pan and zoom
- Multi-graph viewing slideshow
- Rectangle and ellipse drawing
- Arrow, rectangle, and ellipse data-based anchoring
- Tables, graphs, and spools may now be Saved in Latex Format
- Automatic ARIMA forecasting of a series
- Forecast evaluation and combination testing
- Forecast averaging
- VAR forecasting
- Autoregressive Distributed Lag regression (ARDL) with automatic lag selection
- ML and GLS ARMA estimation
- ARFIMA estimation
- Pooled mean group estimation of panel data ARDL models
- Threshold regression
- A new optimization engine
Testing and Diagnostics
- Unit root tests with a structural break
- Cross-section Dependence Tests
- Panel Effects Tests