
The Voyager Search technology is designed to search, index and transform data.


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Statworks Group and Voyager Search are now official partners and Statworks Group represents the sole distributors of Voyager Search in Malaysia. Voyager Search is a spatially enabled enterprise search index engine that is open and scalable. The Voyager Search technology is designed to search, index and transform data.

Voyager Search was originally designed for users that work with geological and geophysical data. Their initial clients were from the natural resources industry. Today, Voyager Search is consumed by users that deal with geospatial data and non-geospatial data. Their clients are from a range of industries such as government, utilities, transportation and many more.

Product Name:

Voyager Server Pro and Voyager Server Basic

Principal Name:

Voyager Search

Principal’s Website

  • Search
    Voyager Search is designed to crawl through multiple types of data repositories, and scan its content.
  • Index
    Voyager Search understands data repositories and its content, and creates an index to form a catalogue.
  • Transform
    Voyager Search is capable of performing vast numbers of transformation processes to the existing data. Automatize daily workflow with Voyager Search.
  1. Industries that work with Geospatial data such as
    • oil and gas
    • natural resources
    • military.
  2. Industries that deal with large data such as government organizations.
  • GIS Users
  • GIS Managers
  • Technical Users from the industries mentioned above.


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