SPOTFIRE 7 Release

TIBCO Spotfire® 7 was specifically designed to make analytics software even easier to use in order to drive faster insights than ever before. We achieve this through a streamlined design and power it with our underlying intelligent analytics engine.

What New In TIBCO Spotfire 7:


1. Automated Guidance

  • The recommendations wizard provides a fast and intuitive jump-start into data analytics. Driven by its embedded expertise, Spotfire 7 guides you in making best-practice visualization choices. Everyone – even data analytics newcomers – can create an entire dashboard in just a few seconds and quickly start discovering insights



2. Beautiful Design

  • Create beautiful dashboards that suit your style and design requirements. With a beautiful, moderns user interface with new visual design options, you can choose the new dark theme or custom design the look and feel of your Spotfire data analytics workspace


3. Faster Data Exploration

  • With streamlined user interface elements and many new data-exploration ease-of-use features, you’re off to fast, fluid data discovery


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