Using NVivo to support healthcare research

Using NVivo to support healthcare research

Using NVivo to support healthcare research The last decade has seen a revolution in terms of access to data. From peer-reviewed medical journals, systematic reviews, epidemiology studies, and statistical data, the challenge is bringing this together in a meaningful...
Using NVivo to support healthcare research

Speed Up Publishing with NVivo and Citavi

Speed Up Publishing with NVivo and Citavi   How to speed up the publishing process I don’t know a researcher on the planet who doesn’t wish they could publish faster. If you work with NVivo, you already know that it can save a substantial amount of time with...
Webinar Recap: Ethnographic Fieldwork Across Online Spaces

Webinar Recap: Ethnographic Fieldwork Across Online Spaces

Webinar Recap: Ethnographic Fieldwork Across Online Spaces In the webinar focused on the impact that the COVID-19 crisis has on researchers, Christine Hine, Professor of Sociology at the University of Surrey, UK, discussed the challenges facing online ethnography....
Extending Your Literature Review With NVivo

Extending Your Literature Review With NVivo

Extending Your Literature Review With NVivo  Back in 2000, I wrote about how you could you use NVivo for your literature review (di Gregorio, 2000). The software has changed significantly since then with a different interface and terminology and the possibility to...
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