Using NVivo to support healthcare research The last decade has seen a revolution in terms of access to data. From peer-reviewed medical journals, systematic reviews, epidemiology studies, and statistical data, the challenge is bringing this together in a meaningful...
Speed Up Publishing with NVivo and Citavi How to speed up the publishing process I don’t know a researcher on the planet who doesn’t wish they could publish faster. If you work with NVivo, you already know that it can save a substantial amount of time with...
Webinar Recap: Ethnographic Fieldwork Across Online Spaces In the webinar focused on the impact that the COVID-19 crisis has on researchers, Christine Hine, Professor of Sociology at the University of Surrey, UK, discussed the challenges facing online ethnography....
Extending Your Literature Review With NVivo Back in 2000, I wrote about how you could you use NVivo for your literature review (di Gregorio, 2000). The software has changed significantly since then with a different interface and terminology and the possibility to...
QSR International Acquires Citavi Reference Management Solution We are very pleased to share exciting news: QSR International has acquired Citavi, the only all-in-one reference management and note taking app that will intuitively streamline analyzing sources...