“Change Point” team, 3rd B Scientific Lyceum, IIS “Fermi” Alghero, won the At the School of Open Cohesion (ASOC) competition on 10th June 2020 representing the Sardinia region.

ASOC is an educational challenge and a Massive Online Open Course designed for high-school students. It promotes the engagement of students in monitoring the effectiveness of EU cohesion policy investments via the use of public open data. The initiative also aims at fostering the culture of active citizenship, promoting accountability for public institutions, and raising awareness of Cohesion Policy among young people. The educational challenge is coupled with a competition: participating students will produce a communication product to illustrate the results of their work and compete with their peers nationally and at European level. (EC Website)

ASOC is a national competition together with MIUR, cohesion policy Department, and European Policy Department at the Presidency of the Council of Ministers, the Republican Senate, the Italian Representative of the European Commission.

This competition is based on an innovative didactic training course aiming at promoting and developing the basics for education for active and aware citizenship through research and Civic monitoring of European and national public financing.  This is how the students develop statistics and civics, digital competence, they learn to know how to explore open data and to communicate through journalistic techniques public policy and especially cohesion policies which take place where they live.

Teachers and students take part in the project thanks to the support of the territorial networks ASOC made up of EDIC and CDE centers, “ASOC friends” organizations, and the ISTAT territorial referents.

During ASOC19-20 edition, 204 classes (among which 24 were from Sardinia) from Italy have started the training course. The lockdown has been hard testing for the students’ work,  even if 116 national teams and 9 Sardinian ones succeeded in finishing the Civic monitoring training course.

The Sardinian Winner was the Change Point team, 3rd B Scientific Lyceum, from “Fermi” Alghero whose tutor is their teacher Ms. Colomba.

Students had chosen to monitor a project which was funded with €7.589.292 from development and cohesion fund of the 2014-2020 programme. This fund was directed to the implementation and management of Charge infrastructures  for electric vehicles in the metropolitan areas  of the metropolitan city of Cagliari, in the metropolitan network of Sassari (whose network Alghero belongs to) also in Olbia, Nuoro and Oristano towns.

Concerning the students’ motivation, they said to have chosen to work on this project so as they could investigate on eco-sustainable technological development in Sardinia. The name itself “Change Point” comes from the English “Charge Point” where you can Charge your vehicle. The word “Charge” has been changed into “Change”, that stands for the Italian word cambiamento. The students were very happy to have achieved this important goal even if they were sad to hear that they would not be able to go to Rome for the final event or to Bruxelles for the prizegiving as planned before COVID-19 emergency. See poster of the competition:

The poster is the author’s own creation – Attribution CC-BY

Teachers and the Principal Mr.Mario Peretto congratulate the three classes from the Scientific Lyceum who took part in the competition and that worked so hard in order to finish this interesting and challenging project. Finally, it is important to remember that everyone was very good and did a great job even if 3rd B has received more consents.

Author: Colomba Manuela & Costantina Cossu

Colomba Manuela is a motor science teacher. Love the environment. She Participates in sports projects giving value to the woman in the sports. She has been working for many years on social and scholastic inclusion and on the integration of students with disabilities.

Costantina Cossu is a Scientix Ambassador, she has worked for years in the scientific high school teaching science and chemistry. She is interested in the real and virtual laboratory, robot, AR, VR. At the moment she is part of the special group in Italy EFT (Territorial Training Team) has the function of training and support schools in the National Plan of digital schools.

Image by FranckinJapan from Pixabay – See License

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